Courses and Eligibility
In India journalism as a field of study is available as both bachelors and post graduate degree courses. At the post graduate level there are also diploma courses available in the country. Some individual institutes offer certificate short-term courses as well and there are distance learning programs as well.
For a student wanting to study journalism as an undergraduate study, you can be from any stream. Similarly, for a post graduate program, your undergraduate degree does not matter as long as you fulfil the requirements of having excellent written and verbal skills, an interest in current affairs and have a go-getter persoality!
A word of caution – Due to the overreaching existence of media today, journalism and mass communication schools are mushrooming in every corner of the country. It is advisable to do a thorogh background check of the institute. Find out about the curricula, the teachers (check if they are industry trained), guest faculty, internship and placement history, workshops and exposure; you must also look for references, find former students of the institute and see what they have to say about the school and its course.
At undergraduate level one can do
BA in Journalism
Bachleor in Media Studies
Bachelor In Mass Media
BA in Journalism and Communication
Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication
At Post Graduate Level one can do a
Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism
MA in Journalism
Entrance Exams:
Most of the reputed institutes and Colleges take admissions through entrance exams. Delhi University takes entrance test for its graduate program in journalism. IP University New Delhi conducts CET for BJMC and Symbiosis conducts SET for admission to SIMC (UG). Times School of journalism also conducts an all India Level entrance exam for admissions to its Post graduate Diploma Program.
Course Fees
The fee for the courses vary a lot. IIMC Delhi charges Rs 55,000 for PG Diploma in Journalism , Rs 1 lakh for Radio and TV Journalism, Rs 77,000 for Advertising and Public Relations course. Fee is exempt for some seats for students from the economically weaker sections. Scholarship is available to the best performer in the entrance test for Hindi Journalism, Radio and TV Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations.
Top colleges for Journalism and Mass Communication
Top colleges for BA and MA Journalism Course are
Delhi University
Delhi School of Journalism offer 5 years integrated BA MA Journalism in English and Hindi with exit option after 3 years. The admission is on the basis of entrance test that will be conducted in september in 2017. The course has one foreign language and one regional language as compulsory subject. There are 60 seats in English Journalism and 60 seats in Hindi Journalism.
BA in Mass Media and Mass Communication ( Offered by IP college for Women) and BA Hons English Journalism and BA Hindi Patrakarita course. The Journalism course is offered at following colleges Lady Shri Ram college for women, BA Hons English Journalism is offered by Delhi College of Art and Commerce ( 40 seats), , Kalindi College, Kamala Nehru College, Maharaj Agarsen College, Ram Lal Anand college and PGDAV college. IP College for women takes a 2 tier entrance exam for 3 year self financed BA Hons Multi media and Mass communication.
Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi Offers Journalism Courses at PG Level.Also has campus in Amravati, Aizawl, Jammu, Kottayam.Some of the most reputed journalism courses in India are offered by IIMC. The institute offers PG Diploma In journalism ( English) ( Hindi), P G Diploma in Radio and TV Journalism, PG Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations. There are almost 60 seats in every course. The admissions are on the basis of entrance test and application open in the month of March and entrance is held in the month of May.
Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi Offers MA in Mass Communication, P G Diploma in Still Photography and Visual Communication, MA in Convergent Journalism, P G Diploma in Broadcast Technology. The applications open in January and entrance is held in March / April.
Guru Gobind Singh IP University, Delhi Offers Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication at affiliated colleges and MA Journalism in University school.
Panjab University Chandigarh offer MA Journalism and Mass Communication ( 40 seats) and PG Diploma in Advertising and PR ( 15 seats) , PG Diploma in Hindi Journalism ( 15 seats), PG Diploma in Panjabi Journalism (15 seats). Admission is on the basis of entrance test.
Pune University offers MSc Media and Communication Studies. Admission is on the basis of entrance test conducted in the month of June every year.
Mumbai University Various colleges affiliated to Mumbai University like Ramnarain Ruia College, SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce, HR College, KC College of Arts, Science & Commerce, St Andrews College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Jai Hind College . Offer Bachelor In Mass Media Course and in third year the students can specialize in Journalism. Mumbai university is also starting MA in PR and Journalism from 2020 which is also available in online format.
St Xaviers College Mumbai also offers Bachelors course in mass media ( BMM)
Fergussan College Pune ( NAAC A grade) offers vocational course Media and Communication ( 50 seast).
Xavier Institute of Communication, Mumbai Offers Post Graduate Advanced Diploma in Journalism
Sri Guru Gobind Singh college of Commerce, Pitampura New Delhi University offers PG Diploma in Business Journalism and corporate communications and admissions are on the basis of entrance test, GD and interview.
Osmania University, Hyderabad offers masters in Communication and Journalism ( Through entrance )
St. Francis College for women, Hyderabad offers Masters in Mass Communication and Journalism
Times School of Journalism, Daryaganj, New Delhi Offers 1 year Post graduate Diploma in Journalism (English and Hindi).
Madras Christian College, Chennai
Asian College of Journalism, Chennai offers PG Diploma in Business and Financial Journalism. Admissions are open in April and entranec test is conducted in May every year.
LAKSHMIBAI NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION GWALIOR offers 1 year P G Diploma course in Sports Journalism. There are 20 seats and admission is on the basis of fitness test and written test followed by Interview.
St Joseph's College (Autonomous) Bangalore offers BA English Literature and Journalism Creative writing and MA Mass Communication and Journalism . Admission through entrance test.
Presidency College Bangalore ( NIRF Ranked and NAAC A +)Offers BA Journalism Admission on application and interview ( Telephonic interview for outstation candidates )
Christ University Bangalore offers BA Hons Journalism / BA Media Studies, economics and political Science.
Garden City University Bangalore offers BA Journalism, Psychology and English / BA Journalism Hons / MA Journalism and Mass Communication.
Madras Christian College, Chennai Affiliated to University of Madras offers BA Journalism. There is no entrance test for admission.
Pune University, Offers BA journalism.
BHU, Varanasi offers MA in Journalism, PG Diploma In Journalism.
Gujarat University offers 2 year full time Master of mass communication and journalism.
St Xaviers College, Goa ( NAAC A Grade ) Offers BA Journalism and BA Mass Communication and Videography
Goa Salesian Socety's Don Bosco College, Goa offers BA Mass Media
Top Colleges in Kerala BA Journalsim / BA Mass Communication
ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), DEVAGIRI KOZHIKODE, KERALA, INDIA Re-accredited with A++ Grade by NAAC. Offers BA Mass Communication with courses in creative writing. Also offer MA English with optional papaers on writing for media / film studies / Indian English Fiction
Sacred Heart College, Kochi, affiliated to the Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala ( A Grade ) Offers BA English Copy Editor / MA Communication and Journalism / MA Cinema and Television
Top International Colleges offering BA Journalsim / BA Mass Communication
University of Hongkong University offers a undergraduate course in Journalism. The admission is through an application and interview.
Sheffield Hallam University, UK offers MA in Sports Journalism and also offers scholarship for the course through its GREAT campaign.
Columbia University, offers Masters in Investigative Journalism / Business Journalism.
New York University Offers Graduate program in Business and Economic Reporting