What is MyTalent™ Program?


MyTalent™ Program (hereto referred to as “the Program”) is the most comprehensive online career and course advisory program for students in the age bracket of 14 to 21 years. The program has been designed and crafted in such a way so as to help students select their BEST-FIT subjects / courses / career on the basis of their aptitude, personality and interests.


The Program has been designed and built by expert counselors who carry with them a rich experience spanning over a decade in the field of education, applied psychology and human behavior. The counselors, having put in over 80,000 man hours and having counseled over 29,000 students, have carefully devised this program keeping in mind the Indian education set up and the Indian economic, cultural and social scenario.


The aim of the Program is to empower the student with complete knowledge about their inherent strengths, their aptitude, personality and interests, and help them get clarity about their most fitting and right career and course.


What is the Fundamental Premise of the Program?


The Program has been designed keeping in mind –

  • Each student has got certain unique talents (aptitudes and personalities); just that most of us don’t know about these talents or can’t see / identify them in ourselves.
  • A correct understanding of what is aptitude and what is personality will help one understand why they are so important in making right career decision.
  • When a person chooses their course and career on the basis of their inherent strengths, or their inherent talent, or their aptitude, personality and interests, then it will help the student to naturally be able to enjoy their studies and their work, and ultimately, do well in their course / career, and thereby lead a happy and successful life.
  • New age lifestyle diseases such as unhappiness at work, depression due to exam stress, exam failure, misery at work etc can be eliminated if students do NOT choose the WRONG course and career in the first place itself.

How does the Program work?


The Program will assess a student’s aptitude, personality and interest over an approximately 2 hour long online assessment. This career assessment will include –

  • Aptitude Test: approximately 30 minutes
    • This test maps the “in-born” aptitudes of the student. These aptitudes naturally help the student to learn or do certain tasks or activities.
    • For example: Certain students, right from their childhood would love to break open their toys and then reassemble back. This is indicative of a certain aptitude that is in-born.
  • Personality Test: approximately 50 minutes
    • This test maps the personality of the student, that is, it measures the most natural behavior that the student displays in different situations. It maps 28 personality traits.
    • For example: There are certain students who are naturally extrovert, while others are shyer. There are a few, who are quick decision makers, while others who can analyze well.
  • Interest Test: approximately 30 minutes
    • This test maps the course / career interest of the student. The student explores around close to 200 different courses / careers, looks at all aspects and finally picks the one that he / she is most interested in.
  • Parental Section: approximately 10 minutes
    • We believe that parents play a very crucial role in a child’s decision making. Therefore, this section will take in the parents’ inputs, opinions and thoughts about their child.

What are the benefits of the Program?

  • The Program works as a magical charm for students who are going through a phase of immense emotional, physical, and academic transition at this age. As if the worries of daily life were not enough, this additional worry of choosing the right course and career is also pressed on to the light-weight shoulders of a young child. On the one hand there is confusion because of many available lucrative careers; on the other hand, there are far too many influencers like the media, internet, and one’s friends and family. The Program is aimed at helping all students from a practical, unbiased and neutral standpoint and helping them make the RIGHT decision regarding their course and career.


  • Upon completion of the test and after payment of the package, every student gets two comprehensive reports, a MyTalent summary report and a MyTalent detailed report, that list their own aptitude, personality and interests along with a detailed information on these.


  • The report consists of personalized career suggestions for each student. The counselors personally look into the report of each child, weigh it against the market situation, correlate it with the child’s background, and offer suggestions of top three best suited careers for the child.


  • The students get to understand the career suggestions for their unique combination of aptitudes and personality for them.


  • On the basis of the report, the student will be able to get complete clarity on what are the right subjects / courses / careers for him / her.


  • It will also help the student in chalking out his / her career goals and do proper career planning.


  • The report not only offers suggestions for the right subjects / courses / careers, but also, it offers a complete career path / road map on the necessary steps a student must take in order to reach a particular career, including information on colleges, courses, entrances, and any other requirement / information needed by the student.


  • Many students have reported scoring better results and a more focused approach after undergoing the Program and understanding oneself.


  • The student becomes a part of the community that is self aware and moving forward with positive motivation in their lives.




  • The Program is even beneficial for parents as more often than not, it is the parents who are the most confused when it comes to helping their child choose the right career. Unlike in the past, when career options. were limited, students had to perforce pick those courses / subjects that helped in getting a secure government job. However, today, there are a plethora of lucrative career choices. The parents, though, are not too sure how to help their child pick the right career. That is precisely why; the MyTalent Program is of immense help for parents also.


  • Parents also get to know about the inherent strengths, aptitude and personality of their child. This acts as a basis for taking academic, non-academic and career decisions.


  • Parents also get to be a part of the email counseling / phone counseling / in-person counseling with the career counselors and get their doubts and queries resolved for their child’s career.






Find out your RIGHT career!