Career Counselling in Mumbai

Career counselling in Mumbai, or career guidance in Mumbai / career coaching / career advice is not something that is new. However, the methodology adopted by Career Counselling is now more about helping the student understand his/her strength or talent profile and then guiding him/her on the path that is most suited to the student.


Online Career Assessment

As we have just mentioned above that the key to correct career counseling is in correctly finding the inherent talent or strength profile of the student. Now, this talent assessment can be done using standardized and reliable psychometric instruments. The advent of online medium now makes it possible for anyone based in any place to just go the Online Talent Assessment sites and take the psychometric assessment. However one must take care in finding out those online sites, where the people behind the site have very good exposure in the field of psychometrics. MapMyTalent offers a very valid and standardized Online Talent Assessment instrument that has been prepared by very eminent and experienced psychometricians. This assessment can be taken from anywhere in the world from the comfort of your home, the only requirement is that you should have internet connection.


What After Online Career Assessment

One thing is very clear that whether you are seeking career counselling in Mumbai, or in any other part of India, all you have to do is to first take an online talent assessment to help you find your Inherent Talent profile. Once you have taken that, then it becomes very easy for an expert career counsellor to see your talent profile and match that with those course or fields where you ca best utilize these Talents. At MapMyTalent, the online aptitude assessment not just maps the talent profile of the student but also captures a lot of other qualitative information about the student that the student would normally get asked during a personal one-on-one counseling session. With all this information, it becomes quite easy for the expert career counsellor to list down the BEST FIT career path for that particular student.


So, it doesn't matter, whether you are seeking Career counseling in Mumbai or somewhere else, you can now reach the best in class expert career counselors from the comfort of your homes. Yes, in fact MapMyTalent provides telephonic / Skype counseling sessions to the student after they take their online Career Assessment.


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Career Counselling



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