Astronomer and Space Researcher
Career Prospects
After completion of a course in Astronomy, one can find placement as a Research Scientist with several research institutes and big Government organizations like the Indian Space Research Organization (DRDO) . Employment opportunities exist in organizations such as the TIFR (Government of India’s National Centre for Nuclear Science and Mathematics), the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune and Ooty, the IIS, Bangalore, the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, UP State Observatory at Nainital, the Indian Institute of Astrophysics and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Bangalore, Astronomical Society of India, Udaipur Solar Observatory, and the CSIR. Some researchers also go on to work at leading observatories and institutes in the USA.
Famous Personalities
Aryabhatta was a great Indian Mathematician and Astronomer of classical age.
Manali Kallat Vainu Bappu: famous astronomer of recent times, at Harvard he discovered a comet named Bappu-Bok-Newkirk. After which he with his partner Colin Wilson discovered a relationship between the luminosity of particular kinds of stars and some of their spectral characteristics, now called the Bappu-Wilson effect. After his return to India largely through his efforts, he set up the Uttar Pradesh State Observatory in Nainital.