Material and Metallurgical Engineer
Eligibility and Course
Science students with Physics, chemistry and Mathematics at class 12th level are eligible for the 4 year B Tech program in material and metallurgical engineering.
Material and Metallurgical Engineering course at IIT Kanpur
The compulsory courses include
Introduction to material engineering, Thermodynamics of materials, metallurgical kinetics, material characterization, mechanical behavior of materials, principles of metal extraction and refining, phase equilibiria in materials, phase transformation in materials, iron and steel making, electronic and magenetic properties of materials, manufacturing process, material degradation and prevention, mineral engineering, non ferros metal extraction, steel making, process plant design, fuels refractories and furnaces, furnace technology, surface coating techniques, powder metallurgy, mechanical processing of materials, intro to technical ceramics, refrectories, materials for semi conductor industry and metal joining, composite materials, particulate materials, computing applications in metallurgy etc.
Metallurgical and materials engineering course at NIT Trichy
First year is common to all engineering branches and from 3rd sem onwards students take up Transforms and partial differential equations, Applied electronics, strength of materials, electric, electronic and magnetic material, metallurgical dynamics, mineral processing and metallurgical analysis, physical metallurgy.
Semester 4
Numerical Techniques, Electrical Technology, Instrumentation & Control, Transport Phenomena , Phase Transformation and Heat treatment, Mechanical Technology, Instrumentation & Control Laboratory, Ferrous Metallography Laboratory.
Semester 5
Metal Casting Technology, Iron Making and Steel Making, Polymers and Composites, Materials Joining Technology, Mechanical Behaviour of Materials-I, C++ and UNIX, Foundary & Welding Laborartory, Mechanical Testing Laboratory
Semester 6
Non ferrous Extraction, Non Destructive Testing and Failure Analysis, Non-Ferrous Physical Metallurgy, Metal Forming Technology, Fatique, Creep and Fracture Mechanics, Elective-I, Heat Treatment Laboratory, Non-Ferrous Metallography Laboratory.
Semester 7
Ceramic Materials, Corrosion Engineering, Materials characterization, Management Concepts and Practices, Elective-II, Elective-III, Corrosion Engineering Laboratory, Comprehensive Evaluation.
Semester 8
Particulate Processing, Industrial Economics, Elective-IV, Elective-V, Project Work
Top colleges to study Material and Metallurgical engineering
Where to study
1. IIT Kanpur
2. IIT Kharagpur
3. IIT Madras
4. IIT Roorkee
5. NIT Trichy