- Ronald Reagan
These words from an ex-President of the United States, accurately tells about the political scenario in India today. No wonder youth today aspire to join politics to bring change. As they say you have to be in the system to change the system.
Politician term is used for people who are politically active and are elected or nominated members of Parliament or are members of legislative assemblies of various states or local bodies.
In a democratic society, it is the people who are supposed to be the rulers themselves. However, to run the affairs of a country, state or a local body, it cannot be that all the citizens start participating in decision making and policy making. Hence the need to have representatives of people in the decision making bodies.
Those who wish to represent the people, raise the opinion of the represented people and participate in making decisions for the people of a country and society at large, should think about joining politics. Politicians take important decisions that range from the investments in the country to division of taxes and revenues earned by the government and much more. They influence public policy and decision making. They should enjoy being in lime light as their public and private lives are continuously under scrutiny.