Chartered Accountant
A banner in front of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India reads -
If this joke could make you smile, then you are ready to take a plunge in Chartered Accountancy. The hard work and the dedication needed to clear these exams make chartered accountancy such a dynamic profession and often, a dreaded one too.
You can take MapMyTalent test to know how well your natural abilities match with this career option and get personalized career guidance on what other courses after commerce would be a good choice for you.
Chartered Accountants are professional people who work in the field of business and finance and their job encompasses areas like audits, taxation, company law, financial accounting and general management of companies. They can either work as self-employed professionals, or work as employees in public or private sector. As an employee, a C.A.'s basic job is to maintain accounts, complying the regulatory requirements and provide inputs on financial managements.
As a professional, they do financial audits, give financial advice to the company or individual, advice the clients on tax planning, mergers and acquisitions and male management reports giving recommendations after mandatory audits.
What after CA ?
CA course will not only better your prospects in terms of immediate job but also offers very good opportunity for higher education. After CA if you want you can always go for MBA and many universities accept CA a PG qualification and you can directly enroll for PhD.