Physiotherapy, unlike other medications and treatments do not involve use of medicines. This method of treatment is used for improving the dysfunctions related to body movement through exercises, massages and other physical treatments. It is said that when the human body is subjected to regular exercises, it lessens any disabilities in people thus, restoring the good health. This class of medical science aims at people with any disabilities, sports person, etc.
Under many medical conditions like accidents, sports injuries, physical disabilities and neuro disabilities, treatments by medicines have their own limitations. It is at these times a good physiotherapist can be of aide. Sometimes independently and other times as a support to regular medications, physiotherapy helps in healing. It involves massages, exercises, manipulation, counseling, etc.
Physiotherapy and physiotherapist have become an important part of rehabilitation of patients undergoing various treatments and prolonged medical conditions. Some of the other activities of a physiotherapist include relieving pain, stress, migraines, aiding people having joint pains or arthritis, etc. There are many specializations to choose from and according to the chosen field one works with sports persons, in the orthopedic department of hospitals, with elders for problem related to arthritis, Alzeihmer etc, with children to improve developmental, skeletal or other conditions and also in rehabilitation of patients.